



Hier finden Sie sämtliche Infos zur Schulpraxis 1. Semester Englisch HS.

Mag. Dr. Thomas Strasser

Medienwissenschafter, EFL-Didaktiker, Lehrer, Autor

Pädagogische Hochschule Wien

Grenzackerstraße 18

1100 Wien






Mahara Cartoon Task

Dear Mahara team,

   Find a cartoon which deals with "teaching EFL". Post the cartoon or the link into your peer forum and comment on it using phrases expressing your point of view (about 100 words).

As a second task, you reply to one of your colleague's posts giving him feedback on his/her cartoon.

Your entries will be discussed in the next peer reflection.

Attention: Tutorial on how to set up forum sections for your peer forum, click HERE.

Arbeitsaufträge 2

Dear students,

  for the second meeting (dates need to be fixed with groups in first meeting), please do the following tasks (all the tasks will also be discussed in the first f2f-session):

  • Journal "a link a day"

Open a Journal (blog, name it "a link a day" in your personal Mahara course (SPS 1. Semester Englisch). Come up with at least three blog entries providing useful links/handouts, etc. for the EFL-lesson so that your colleagues can benefit from them.

  • Journal "A thought a day"

Open another Journal (blog, name it "A thought a day") in your personal Mahara course (SPS 1. Semester Englisch). Come up with at least three blog entries posting your thoughts on your personal and/or professional development (successful lessons, memorable experience, etc.; details tba in second meeting).

How to open a blog/journal, see

  • Reading and EFL-article

   @  http://www.ehow.com/about_5480972_role-teachers-st-century.html you'll find an interesting (and also short) article about the role of teachers in the 21st century.

Please, read through this article and present your own opinion! (not a summary).

Your opinions (which can also or should critically reflect the article) should be:

  • short and precise
  • linguistically versatile (do not always use 'I think ...')

 So again, do not summarize the text! I want you to focus on your personal opinion based on the text's insights.

  • You'll have to do this task groupwise, i.e. e.g. group “Golden Girls” opens a new thread /topic (e.g. EFL-article opinion) in their Mahara-group and posts their opinions.  
  • Number your opinions, like "Opinion 1: I would like to state that ..."
  • ALWAYS try to back up your line of argumentation with a corresponding source!
  • then pick a text by a colleague of yours and give feedback



Thomas Strasser




Nützliche Links

HP Schulpraktische Studien link  Service von A-Z für Studierende
HP Schulpraktische Studien  link  Service von A-Z für PraxislehrerInnen


Aktuellste Forenbeiträge

Recent Journal Entries


in A thought a day



in A thought a day


Great general link

in A link a day


I really like this link because ....

Today's English lesson

in A thought a day

Today's English lesson was just great, we did a .....

write about 3-5 sentences ...in English!

You can always add useful files ....

ePortfolio for Starters

Introduction to Mahara